Paper is focused on description of Czech national methodology and tool for energy performance calculation according to EPBD (Energy performance building directive 91/2002). Energy performance calculation is expressed by total annual energy consumption, including heating, cooling, ventilation, auxiliary and other energy required for building operation. There is a simplified multizone model, loaded by typical day for each month in hourly time step. Climate data are synthetic data for 4 climate zones according to standards, used for building physics calculation. Zone operation profiles include occupation, lighting, indoor environment requirements and auxiliary energy. Zone operation profiles are standardized for typical zones as offices, schools, dwellings etc. Building energy systems including heating, cooling, hot water generation and ventilation are incorporated as zone assigned systems, while energy sources (e.g. boilers, co-generation unit, solar collectors etc) are in the model assigned to the energy delivery systems. Result of energy performance calculation for assessed building is compared with existing average level of similar buildings and required level to obtain energy performance certificate according to EPBD requirements.
National calculation tool for epbd energy performance certification

Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2007, Beijing, China