Bibliographic info:
AIR, Air Information Review, vol 27, n°2, March 2006, p 2

This paper is a sum up of the new ventilation requirements in Flemish region published in the Belgian "Moniteur" on June 17th 2005. The legal framework for the new regulation is given by the Decree on the Energy Performance and Indoor Climate, adopted by the Flemish Parliament ; the technical specifications are given in Execution Orders, approved by the Flemish Government.
There are two different sets of requirements :
- For dwellings, the requirements are specified in annex 5 of the Execution Order. This annex refers to the Belgian Standard NBN D50-001 whereby some additional specifications are given.
- For other buildings, the specifications are given in annex 6 of the Excution Order. This annex refers mainly to European standards.
These regulations are part of an overall new legal framework which imposes minimum energy performance and indoor climate performances for buldings and it is part of the Flemish implementation of the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.
A specific point of attention in the Flemish regulation is the framework for control :
- it is mandatory to give a detailed description of the executed measures at the end of the works.
- this description has to be sent through the internet to the Flemish administration. A specific software tool has been developed.
- in case of non-compliance, there are administrative fines.