During the academic year 95-96 an NMF based model library has been developed by the IDA group. The library contains detailed and simplified zone models, full finite difference and reduced RC-network wall models, different types of solar radiation calculation models, state-of-the-art window models, local climate control models and some supporting Fortran subroutines. Among the most interesting models are the detailed convective - radiative zone with full non-linear radiative and convective heat transfer using a general view factor calculation algorithm and the RC-wall model. These models are described in some detail in the paper. The full library has been comparatively validated against the BRIS program. In its most basic version, the library is more or less a BRIS re-implementation in IDA. The execution times are compared for applications developed in a modular simulation environment vs stand-alone programs. The relative development times are estimated as well.
An NMF based model library for building climate and energy simulation
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 5, 1997, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 181-187