The air distribution characteristics formed by an "air curtain" ventilation approach are investigated in detail. The airflow visualization and full-scale experimental results of air distribution in an occupied zone are reported in this paper. The Coanda effect of air curtain ventilation and the spreading airflow over the floor in a room are demonstrated. Additionally, the "air lake" or "air pool" phenomenon created by air curtain ventilation resembles displaced air movement to some extent. An air curtain ventilation approach is regarded as a bridge between mixing flow and displacement flow. In fact, it is a hybrid method of mixing flow and displacement flow. The current experimental study and its results are helpful in understanding a new air distribution method i.e. an "air curtain" used for room ventilation.
A Novel Air Distribution Method - Principles of Air Curtain Ventilation
Bibliographic info:
The International Journal of Ventilation, Vol. 10 N°4, March 2012