E. Erell, Y. Etzion, D. Pearlmutter, R. Guetta, D. Pecornik, H. Zimmermann, F. Krutzler
Bibliographic info:
Passive and Low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment, May 2005, Santorini Greece

A multi-stage down-draft evaporative cool tower (DECT) was developed as an improvement to an existing single-stage design. The new tower incorporates a secondary air inlet, added to increase the cooling output and reduce the water consumption in a tower of given cross-section and primary inlet geometry. The secondary air, which may be drawn from the interior space being cooled, is cooled by evaporation in the lower section of the tower. This paper focuses on the design of the water spraying system installed in the tower, and presents a preliminary assessment of the systems cooling efficiency. Performance of the novel aerodynamic design of the tower is discussed in a companion paper.