Barna, L.; Goda, R.
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)

In the last decade, quite a few carbon-monoxide intoxications occurred in Hungary due to theinadequate operation of gas appliances with open combustion chamber, connected tochimneys. These cases emphasized the importance of faultless air supply of the appliancesand the safe removal of the incipient flue gases. This problem gave reason for the modellingof air supply, temperature and velocity distributions in the space that contains the gasappliance. For the modelling of changes caused by the variations in the inside or outsideambient conditions, numerical modelling can be used. With the help of CFD, the phenomenacan be studied in what is virtually a computational environment.CFD modelling gives results for the changes in the magnitude and direction of air velocity inthe room and between the air inlet and the appliance, temperature distribution in the room andfrom the weather factors, the effect of wind on the operation of the air inlet.