A push-pull fume cupboard shown is an innovative device to remove pollutants from a fume cupboardto the outdoor environment. A push flow coming from the bottom of a sash and a pull flow behind thedoorsill are adopted to form an air curtain in the fume cupboard. Meanwhile, the roof of a push-pullfume cupboard is open to the environment and ambient fluids are drawn from the roof. To investigatethe performance of a push-pull fume cupboard, a numerical model based on the finite volume methodis utilized. Various ratios of push flows to pull flows are considered. Four characteristic flow fieldsare found at a variety of speed ratios. They are concave curtain, straight curtain, under suction andover blow modes. According to numerical results, a concave curtain mode with a fast pull flow and aweak push flow is recommended for the operation of a push-pull fume hood. Furthermore, themanikin effect on the flow filed of a push-pull fume hood is also examined in this study. A manikin islocated in front of the fume cupboard according to the ANSI/ASHRAE 110/1995 standard. Numericalresults reveal that fluid flows in a push-pull fume cupboard are not affected by a manikin. As a result,an operator standing in front of a push-pull fume cupboard is protected from pollutants inside thecupboard.

Bibliographic info:
The 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings IAQVEC 2007, Oct. 28 - 31 2007, Sendai, Japan