Project RESILIENCE set out to examine overheating in a variety of building archetypes, but also examined several aspects of overheating related to the tools that are used, the weather data that has been employed in dynamic simulations and potential low-cost solutions to improving the resilience of the existing non-residential building stock that relies upon ventilative cooling. This presentation will discuss and synthesise the key outcomes from the project structured around evidence from: 1) existing measurement data, 2) reviews of the literature, 3) calibrated dynamic simulations, 4) subjective data from occupants’ designers and 5) simplified ventilative cooling assessment methods. These five areas will contribute to a holistic assessment of overheating in non-residential buildings and what lessons can be learned to improve the policy regarding the resilience of buildings going forward.
Overall outcomes from the RESILIENCE project and next steps
Languages: English | Pages: 1 pp
Bibliographic info:
44th AIVC - 12th TightVent - 10th venticool Conference – Dublin, Ireland - 9-10 October 2024