Intermittent heating patterns, characteristic of Israel and other countries with a mild winter enable energy · conservation at the expense of very high peak energy consumption; · very low levels of thermal comfort; and surface condensation and mould growth problems. The paper summarizes a research project which included analysis of total daily energy consumption, partial energy during evening (peak) hours, weighted cost of total energy, improved thermal comfort, internal surface temperatures -of the external envelope, and surface temperatures of partitions. The effects of thermal insulation and inertia of external walls were analysed. The results include recommendations for the preferred heating patterns and schedules f ram an overall point of view of efficient energy utilization, which is comfort effective and can control condensation and mould growth to a large extent.
Overall thermal performance of buildings subjected to various heating patterns.
Bibliographic info:
Germany, Stuttgart, Fraunhofer Institut fuer Bauphysik, 1993, proceeding, International Symposium Energy Efficient Buildings, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany, March 9-11, 1993.