Kyung Hoi Lee, Tong So Park, et al
Bibliographic info:
UK, James & James Ltd, 1988, proceedings of "Environmentally friendly cities", PLEA 98 (Passive and Low Energy Architecture) conference, held Lisbon, Portugal, June 1998, pp 257-260

The examination of the "Young-am House", a traditional folk house located in the middle region of the Korean peninsula, aims to analyze and to inform the bio-climatic design of the building and interior spaces based in the traditional architecture of Korea. As a consequence of the examination, it was evident that bioclimatic design performed an important part in creating a natural environment for comfortable living by taking consideration of the changing local climatic conditions. In the case of the "Young-am House", it is remarkable to see how efficiently the comfort requirements are met comprehensively through the design of the building by incorporating passive measures with a direct effect, such as passive heating and cooling, shading, natural ventilation, etc. Changes of temperature and thermal zones were taken into consideration in the planning of the functional layout of the plan and sections. Also, the skin's function in permeability and transparency is capable of being controlled and modified to react accordingly to the changing local climatic condition.