The paper presents the effects of airflow access points on the passive modification of indoor air temperature in a partly roofed high-mass courtyard building found in moderate climate of southeast Queensland. Results of a field investigation reveal that despite sufficient shading within the courtyard, its air temperature and thus comfort levels depend greatly on the location of airflow access points in the building layout and section. Potential of courtyards for passive cooling (lowering of its air temperature than ambient) is seen when airflow access points for most frequent-easterly daytime summer breeze is integrated in immediate building microclimates where sufficient shading can be provided, in conjunction with nocturnal ventilation. Potential for passive heating (an elevation of courtyard air temperature above ambient) is seen if no airflow access points to the most frequent south-westerly winter breeze are integrated but sufficient solar gain from northeast is allowed through building section.
Passive modification of air temperature for thermal comfort in acourtyard building for Queensland

Bibliographic info:
Proceedings of Indoor Air 2002 (9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate) - June 30 - July 5, 2002 - Monterey, California - vol 2, pp 860-865, 3 figs, 7 refs, 1 tab