Pathogens, or in this case better to say, infectious agents are ubiquitous. Some of themare obligatory pathogens, cause of severe diseases and therefore are well-known.Some of them are well-known but they are considered to be either less risky or it isbelieved that they are under control. Some of them are facultative pathogens, causingfewer infections and therefore mostly are unknown. All of them should cause healthproblems indoors as the indoor environment is very special:?? People spent indoors most of their life, ill people with higher probability?? Air exchange is mostly inadequate, especially where ill people areconcentrated?? Poor maintenance of ventilation/air exchange systems is rather common, sothe infectious dosage could be reached easily, if the source of infectiousagent is indoors?? Direct & indirect transmission infectious agents is easy in overcrowdedinterior
Bibliographic info:
EnVIE Conference on Indoor Air Quality And Health for EU Policy, Helsinki, Finland, 12-13 June, 2007