We studied the effect of ventilation and air filtration systems on indoor air quality in a children's day-care center in Finland. Ambient air nitrogen oxides (NO, N02) and particles (TSP, PM10) were simultaneously measured outdoors and indoors with automatic nitrogen oxide analyzers and dust monitoring. Without filtration nitrogen oxides and particulate matter generated by nearby motor traffic penetrated readily indoors. With chemical filtration 50-70% of nitrogen oxides could be removed. Mechanical ventilation and filtration also reduced indoor particle levels. During holidays and weekends when there was no opening of doors and ·windows and no particle-generating activity indoors, the indoor particle level was reduced to less than 10% of the outdoor level. At times when outdoor particle concentrations were high during weekdays, the indoor level was about 25% of the outdoor level. Thus, the possible adverse health effects of nitrogen oxides and particles indoors could be countered by efficient filtration. We also showed that inclusion of heat recovery equipment can make new ventilation installations economical.
Penetration of nitrogen oxides and particles from outdoor into indoor air and removal of the pollutants through filtration of incoming air.
Bibliographic info:
Denmark, Indoor Air, No 10, 2000, pp 126-132