This paper discusses the concept and performance of a naturally ventilated building with a double-skin facade in Tokyo. The building incorporates a hybrid ventilation system (natural ventilation integrated with air-conditioning systems) that makes use of buoyancy forces generated in a vertical airshaft in the center of the building. Field measurements were made in order to evaluate the performance of the double-skin facade during the summer and winter and also the performance of the hybrid ventilation system during the spring and autumn. Simulations were conducted in order to evaluate the year-round performance of the double-skin facade and the hybrid ventilation system. The results of the measurements and simulations show that a hybrid ventilation system combined
with a double-skin facade effectively provides both thermal comfort and energy conservation
in an east-Asian temperate climate.
Performance of Hybrid Ventilation System Combined with Double-skin Facade in East-Asian Temperate Climate

Bibliographic info:
RoomVent 2004, 9th international conference in University of Coimbra - Portugal, 5-8th september 2004, pp 6, 33 Fig., 2 Ref.