This paper presents simulation results of the performance of ventilation systems with self-regulating inlets in different types of typical Flemish dwellings. Normal free air inlet vents have one major disadvantage: the complete dependence on the variable outside weather conditions (wind and temperature). The use of selfregulating inlets should minimize this impact, optimize the indoor comfort (no draught) and reduce the waste of energy by ventilation. The multizone infiltration and ventilation simulation model COMIS has been used to investigate the impact of the use of self-regulating inlets. Different types of self-regulating inlets, corresponding to the different classes of inlets as mentioned in the new Flemish Energy Performance Regulation have been implemented in the ventilation model of different types of dwelling. The paper presents the model premises and discusses the results of the simulations. To assess ventilation performance, the infiltration and ventilation flow rates, the indoor air quality and the reduction of ventilation heat loss by the use of self-regulating inlet vents are predicted and compared for the various types of inlets.
Performance prediction of dwelling ventilation with self-regulating air inlets

Bibliographic info:
26th AIVC Conference "Ventilation in relation to the energy performance of buildings", Brussels, Belgium, 21-23 September 2005