This paper provides a summary of the methods and results of performance testing for a coupled Indoor/Outdoor Environmental Simulator (C-I/O-ES). The simulator consists of an IEQ chamber, a climate chamber, and a replaceable separation/test wall assembly. Both chambers have stainless steel interior surfaces and are equipped with independent heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for simulating indoor and outdoor thermal and air quality conditions, respectively. The separation/test wall assembly can be used to physically model building envelope assemblies and allows the study of combined air, heat, moisture, and contaminant transport through these assemblies. The simulator can be used to study various emission sources of chemical, particulate, and biological pollutants, space air diffusion systems, air-cleaning technologies, HVAC control systems, building envelope assemblies, and mechanical, natural, or hybrid building ventilation
systems and components.
Performance test results for large coupled indoor/outdoor environmental simulator (C-I/O-ES)
Bibliographic info:
Ashrae 2003, annual meeting, Kansas City, USA, June 2003, paper KC-03-4-1, pp 14, 9 Fig., 7 Tab., 9 Ref.