NFPA Standard 92B presents computational methods for determining the position of a smoke layer in a large-volume space. Although NFPA 92B is a guide to smoke management design, the methods have been adopted, with certain modifications, by model building codes and are mandated for use in atriums and large-volume spaces. This paper makes use of a recently developed CFD fire model to assess the NFPA 92B calculation methods. A total of 13 simulated tests were conducted. Results suggest that the NFPA 92B Equation 9 method may not predict the fastest filling of an enclosure within the range of aspect ratios provided in NFPA 92B.
Predicting the position of the smoke layer interface height using NFPA 92B calculation methods and a CFD fire model.
Bibliographic info:
USA, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc (ASHRAE), 1999, in: the ASHRAE Transactions CD, proceedings of the 1999 ASHRAE Winter Meeting, held Chicago, USA, January 1999