In this study, the characteristics of the movement of chemical compounds in the concealed spaces and indoor spaces in houses were investigated using building cut models and a simulation program Fresh2006. The equivalent leakage areas in the concealed spaces were measured using cut models of wooden structures: a common wooden structure, an improved wooden structure and a wooden (2 inch x 4 inch) stud structure. The movements of chemical compounds were calculated using the measured equivalent leakage areas and the simulation program. The indoor concentrations of the chemical compounds which volatilized in concealed spaces change with the weather and the behaviors of residents. The infiltration ratios from the concealed spaces to indoor spaces were influenced by mechanical ventilation. The influence of the infiltration upon the indoor air quality was larger in the house with an exhaust ventilation system than with any other ventilation system.
Prediction of air quality considering the concealed air leaks of houses

Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2007, Beijing, China