Adaptive thermal comfort model has been widely used to evaluate the thermal comfort level of natural ventilation buildings.However, current adaptive standards offer a simple linear relationship between the outdoor temperature and the indoor comfort temperature,ignoring the influence of solar radiation. In this paper, CFD model is used to evaluate the thermal comfort of a residential building under natural ventilation conditions.Keeping the input parameters of outdoor temperature and wind speed and changing the input parameters of solar radiation to simulate the distribution of Indoor air temperature and velocity.the result are compared with adaptive thermal comfort temperatures to predict global and local indoor thermal comfort .The results show that the presence or absence of direct sunlight has a great influence on indoor thermal comfort at the same outdoor temperature; in the absence of direct sunlight, the thermal sensation is relatively more uniform, and solar radiation has a significant effect on local thermal sensation.
Prediction of the influence of solar radiation on adaptive thermal comfort using CFD simulation

Languages: English | Pages: 14 pp
Bibliographic info:
40th AIVC - 8th TightVent - 6th venticool Conference - Ghent, Belgium - 15-16 October 2019