Seungki Pang, Kahee Kim, Hyun Cho, Woojae Kim , Jongmoon Choi, Jongin Lee and Chul Lee
Bibliographic info:
Proceedings CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors (10-14 June Helsinki)

Recently in Korea, plywood has been widely used as a floor material for Korean floor heatingsystems (Ondol) instead of the conventional oiled floor paper. Volatile organic compounds(hereafter VOCs) are easily emitted from the plywood and adhesives that constitute the floorinto the indoor environment due to the warm temperature of the floor. In this study, emissioncharacteristics of VOCs from adhesive and paints within an Ondol floor are assessed using theSmall Chamber Method in residences with plywood floors. From the experimental results, theconcentration of VOCs is predicted as an exponential function, dependent upon variousloading factor and air exchange rate conditions.