When conducting airtightness tests of buildings, you must ensure that all building parts to be measured have air connection, so that the test object can be considered as one single zone. This also applies to large buildings like office buildings, schools, old people homes, indoor pools, etc. with several floors and rambling floor plans. Openings that are too small for a constant air flow from the leakages to the measuring device can prevent an even pressure distribution. According to the European measuring standard EN 13829, the pressure differentials inside the building during the airtightness test should not be less than 10% of the building pressure differential.
This article examines the different issues involved in bringing these theoretical considerations to the measuring practice. Which approaches in measuring technology can help improve knowledge of the actual pressure distribution and, consequently, the interpretation of the measuring results? What do the results look like? Which possibilities are there for conducting measurements even in critical conditions?
When conducting BlowerDoor tests in very tall buildings and/or buildings with very rambling floor plans, additional measuring points are set up in the zones considered critical. The pressure differentials between the BlowerDoor measuring device and these zones are recorded with the help of the TECLOG2 MultipleFan software. They can then be evaluated by the testing team, which can take the appropriate measures (e.g., close open windows, install an additional measuring device in the critical building part).
Pressure distribution in large buildings during airtightness tests

Bibliographic info:
32nd AIVC Conference " Towards Optimal Airtightness Performance", Brussels, Belgium, 12-13 October 2011