Adeline Baill, Cedric Lentillon
Bibliographic info:
International Workshop: Quality of Methods for Measuring Ventilation and Air Infiltration in Buildings | Brussels, Belgium 18-19 March 2014

For the coming energy-efficient buildings, the guarantee of energy performance becomes a major challenge. It is therefore crucial to implement accurate and reliable measurements, in order to ensure this performance. The in-force French EP-regulation RT2012 already imposes compulsory justification of envelope airtightness. Moreover, the Effinergie+ label requires ventilation systems control and ductwork airleakage performance. This requirements, ventilation control for IAQ concerns and buildings regulatory compulsory controls need reliable diagnostic protocols.  
In January 2014, several French partners, led by the CEREMA1, proposed a new project, PROMEVENT, to improve ventilation systems measurements protocols, through experimental campaign. Several points should be tested through repeatability and reproducibility evaluations. By the end of the PROMEVENT project, recommendations and a first version of a protocol for the measurement of residential buildings ventilation systems should be proposed. Moreover, one of the main objective is to produce a more reliable and optimised protocol which should be written as a proposed draft standard.   
This paper presents the context in which the PROMEVENT project has been defined, and expounds its main objectives.