This article provides a summary of a comprehensive examination of the current ISO 9972 standard, focusing on the enhancements needed to improve its reliability and validity for airtightness tests in buildings. A working group composed of international experts has identified a list of issues warranting a potential revision of the standard. New recommendations are proposed based on research and consultation, including detailed considerations of previous guidelines and existing scientific literature. Key areas addressed include the definition and symbolism of terms, measurements of air temperature and wind speed, regression analysis, and airflow corrections. Significant alterations include a weighted line of organic correlation (WLOC) to improve the predictability of airflows. The article also sheds light on the significance of the zero-flow pressure difference and the requirements of measurement equipment.
These improvements aim to ensure that the ISO 9972 standard is adequately adapted to the evolving demands of building airtightness testing, in line with the increasing legal and financial implications of this field.
Proposal for new implementations in ISO 9972

Languages: English | Pages: 10 pp
Bibliographic info:
43rd AIVC - 11th TightVent - 9th venticool Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark - 4-5 October 2023