French standard for airtightness measurements is NF EN 13829. It is completed by French application guide GA P50-784, to set calibration rules more precisely, among other issues. This guide was published in 2010. To answer measurers’ remaining questions, a Frequently Asked Questions web site was created by CETE de Lyon.
Today, some weaknesses of French GA P50-784 have been clearly identified. It was therefore planed to update it, taking into account the experience gained in the last few years in dealing with airtightness in France, measurers frequently asked questions and ISO 9972 standard requirements in revision.
This article presents the conclusions of a working group created in 2011, lead by CETE de Lyon, which was in charge of updating French philosophy about calibration rules by optimizing the compromise between calibration’s precision and costs. It is also planned to improve precision requirements for low air flow rates measurements. The content of this article must not be considered as the future French regulation; it is only the final proposal of the working group.
Proposal for updating french regulation concerning airtightness measuring equipments’ calibration
Bibliographic info:
33rd AIVC Conference " Optimising Ventilative Cooling and Airtightness for [Nearly] Zero-Energy Buildings, IAQ and Comfort", Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-11 October 2012