Marjanovic, Novoselac
Bibliographic info:
Belgium, Proceedings of Clima 2000 Conference, held Brussels, August 30th to September 2nd 1997

Concerning practical water network section, change in local resistance factor is result of any kind of valve closings or openings. Based on the developed model of water heating system network, the matter of the study will be the influence of the in local resistance to overall network resistance, and to the pump operating point. Radiator valve movement causes changes in flow rates, i. e. velocity in all network circuits, and has its further result in change in resistance factors, of the Reynolds number and in fluid friction coefficient. This considers change of local resistance in all network sections, not in the one in which the valve is. In this paper proposed is the exact calculating procedure of the change in flow rates through water heating network, due to change in local resistance factors. Simulation of proposed hydraulic model will provide precise determination of valve and pump influence under the system transient loads to operating pump point position, providing proper equipment choice and stable hydraulic regime.