By-product gypsum, produced as a waste in the phosphate industry, could be used in bulk as a building material but it has a higher radium content than other building material. Reports an analysis of the dose rate that would result if gypsum were used for a two-storey, three-bedroom, centre terrace house. Discusses the dose from beta radiation, gamma radiation and radon gas,assuming one air change per hour. Finds that dose from gamma rays to thegonads and bone-marrow of the occupants of the house would be 30 mrad/y and that the dose from beta radiation and radon would be less than the regional variations in natural exposures. Finds all the doses are at least a factor of ten below the dose limits recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection for exposure of members of the public.
The radiological implications of using by-product Gypsum as a building material.

Bibliographic info:
National Radiological Protection Board, Harwell, report NRPB-R7, December 1972 HMSO