Measurements of the radioactive subsoil inside a closed and air conditioned room were made to establish how far the concentration of radon and the radon daughters may be changed by means of ventilation. Whereas the radioactive subsoil in a building cannot be influenced due to the given cosmic radiation and the radio-active isotopes, it is generally assumed that the radio-activity originated by Radon 222 may be removed from the room air by ventilators. The radon diffusing from the brickwork disintegrates into several intermediate radio-active products and finally into stable lead. The radio-active gamma subsoil has been compared with the resulting disintegration products (for a ventilated, air conditioned, and unventilated room). The comparison shows that ventilation has no influence on the gamma activity of the subsoil.
Radon concentration in interior rooms. Radonkonzentration in innenraumen
Bibliographic info:
HLH, April 1986, Vol 37 No 4. p206-208, 1 fig, 2 tabs, 4 refs.