Numerous scientific studies show that indoors are the source of potentially harmful substances called indoor air pollutants. They come from various sources. Indoor levels are often much higher than outdoor level and most people spend the bulk of their time indoors. As indoor air pollution is relatively new problem, health and comfort problems are associated with it. The starting point for studies on constituents of the indoor environment is to realize that the problem to be solved is complex. Facing the number and variety of physical, chemical and biological pollutants in indoor environment urgently needs strategies to distinguish severe from less severe health hazards. The term sick building syndrome has come into vogue during the past several years and refers to a range of occupant complaints and illnesses. The cause of sick building syndrome remains unknown, although it is likely that there are connections between psychological factors, inadequate ventilation and the level of hygiene in the building. Classification of health effects of indoor air pollution is introduced from comfort point of view. Factor identified as possible causative agents are as conclusion of several research reports indicated in the paper. In order to determine the priorities the ranking of selected indoor chemical pollutants in Slovakia was made on the base of measurements carried out. Frequency of exposure for selected substances was estimated.
Ranking of selected indoor chemical pollutants.

Bibliographic info:
Finland, SIY Indoor Air Information Oy, 2000, proceedings of "Healthy Buildings 2000", held 6-10 August 2000, Espoo, Finland, paper 150.