This project aims to demonstrate via a refurbishing operation, how a mechanical ventilation system can both provide a good indoor air quality and limit the energy consumption due to air renewal. The field of this operation concerns the improvement of indoor air quality for sensitive people as young children in classrooms, associated to a rational use of energy by the ventilation systems. Several series of measurements have been carried out before and after the refurbishing of the ventilation system to investigate the performances of the systems installed, evaluate the feeling of the occupants, and compare with the previous situation. The results obtained show a real improvement of the indoor air quality and also a possibility for energy savings up to 70% due to the use of demand control ventilation.
Refurbishing of the ventilation system in a school
Bibliographic info:
26th AIVC Conference "Ventilation in relation to the energy performance of buildings", Brussels, Belgium, 21-23 September 2005