This paper discusses the status of standards and regulations concerning performance calculationmethods for renewable energies systems in the built environment. The outcome of a European wideinquiry on this topic, carried out in the frame of the European project on Energy Performance Regulations (EnPeR) will be presented. In addition an overview is given of the renewable energiessystems that are considered under these regulations and the consequences of the new EnergyPerformance Directive. In general the European standard for Thermal Performance of Buildings EN832 describes the calculation method for the building envelope. However the consensus is to review renewable energies in the built environment as added installed equipment, such as for ventilation or lighting is performed. The common calculation methods for solar thermal and electrical systems will be discussed in the light of the overall energy performance of the building.The paper concludes that a long way is to go to have all Member States working with a harmonizedcalculation method for energy performance of renewable energies systems in the built environment.
Renewable Energies in Energy Performance: Calculation for Buildings
Bibliographic info:
23rd AIVC and EPIC 2002 Conference (in conjunction with 3rd European Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Buildings) "Energy efficient and healthy buildings in sustainable cities", Lyon, France, 23-26 October 2002