In December 1985 the Federal Republic of Germany joined the International Energy Agency's Annex V, the Air Infiltration Centre, as the twelfth participant. This report describes and summarises German research and development activities in the areas of ventilation, air infiltration andindoor air quality. Chapters include the structure and organisation of R and D in the Federal Republic of Germany, standards, codes and regulations for ventilation and indoor air quality, the R and D programme 'Ventilation and air infiltration in residential buildings', the projects of the programme, R and D in the field beyond the programme, study groups and commissions, and the Information Centre for Regional Planning and Building Construction (IRB).
Research on air infiltration, ventilation and indoor air quality in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Bibliographic info:
A report for IEA's Annex V, 'Air Infiltration Centre, AIC', Sponsored by Federal Ministry for Research and Technology of the Federal Republic of Germany, June 1986, figs, tabs, refs.""#DATE 00:06:1986 in English