This paper is a review of occupant responses to localized (floor and desk mounted) airdistribution systems. These systems offer personal control, and can produce good ambientconditions, but few studies have examined their effects on actual occupants. A review ofeleven studies suggested these systems can lead to favourable occupant responses, which insome cases exceed those encountered using traditional mixing systems. However, most of thestudies included methodological limitations, which reduce the strength of conclusions that canbe drawn. It was unclear whether improvements occurred because occupants adjusted theirpersonal controls to achieve better physical conditions, or whether perceived control affectedresponses, irrespective of whether it was exercised. Alternatively, it could simply be the casethat air delivered at the floor or desk was the most appropriate design for the office spacestested. Further research is needed on these issues, to guide the design of appropriate airdistribution systems.
A review of occupant responses to localized air distribution systems

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 3, pp 305-310, 1 Fig., 1 Tab., 14 Ref.