In order to better address energy and indoor air quality issues, ventilation needs to become smarter. A key smart ventilation concept is to use controls to ventilate more at times it provides either an energy or IAQ advantage (or both) and less when it provides a disadvantage. This would be done in a manner that provides improved home energy and IAQ performance, relative to a “dumb” base case. This paper highlights that a favourable context exists in many countries, with regulations and standards proposing “performance-based approaches”. The article gives an overview of such approaches in five countries, in the U.S and in Europe (France, Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands). The common thread in all these methods consists in using at least as metrics, the exposure to an indoor generated parameter, very often the CO2, and the condensation risk. As the result, demand-control ventilation strategies (DCV) are widely and easily available on the market, with more than 20-30 systems available in some countries.
This article is a short version of the Journal article: Guyot, G., Walker, I.S., Sherman, M.H., 2018. Performance based approaches in standards and regulations for smart ventilation in residential buildings: a summary review. International Journal of Ventilation 0, 1–17.
A review of performance-based approaches to residential smart ventilation

Languages: English | Pages: 8 pp
Bibliographic info:
39th AIVC Conference "Smart Ventilation for Buildings", Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France, 18-19 September 2018