Presents the underlying theoretical basis for measuring air flows in complex, multi-cellular buildings and by reviewing the existing experimental procedures which enables the carrying out of these measurements. Shows that inter-cell air flows can be determined only by generating N sets of tracer gas conservation equations, where N is the number of cells. Describes 3 systems being designed to carry out multi-cell ventilation measurements< 1. "grab sampling"< 2. multiple tracer measurements< 3. measuring averaged air change rates over long periods.
Review of techniques for measuring ventilation rates in multi-celled buildings.
Bibliographic info:
Energy conservation in buildings - heating, ventilation and insulation Proceedings Contractors Meetings Brussels 14-15 Dec 1981 6-7 May, 24,28 and 30 September, 21 October 1982 p.321-335 16 refs. #DATE 01:01:1982 in English