Although theoretical studies show that energy use for ventilation purposes can be reduced by more than 50% with DCV compared to CAV, evaluation of real energy use demonstrates that this potential is seldom met. DCV-based ventilation systems must become more reliable to close the gap between theoretical and real energy-performance. This unfortunate experience with DCV seems to have many causes, including: unclear placement of system responsibility, inadequate specifications and hand-over documentation, balancing report not suitable for DCV, communication errors and lack of knowledge about DCV-systems among decision makers, designers and operators etc. Identified key factors for improvement so far are adequate specifications, hand-over documentation and balancing report for DCV and a clearly defined and placed responsibility for the overall functionality. This paper presents a recently started project that will last until 2013 and aims to develop and disseminate knowledge on systems with improved robustness.
Robustness and True Performance of Demand Controlled Ventilation in Educational Buildings – Review and Needs for Future Development

Bibliographic info:
31st AIVC Conference " Low Energy and Sustainable Ventilation Technologies for Green Buildings", Seoul, Korea, 26-28 October 2010