The objective of the study is to analyze the relative performance of factors affecting indoor air quality in multi-residential buildings in Korea. A study of the factors affecting indoor air quality is essential for establishing indoor air quality management strategies effectively. To observe the indoor air quality response following a modification of a given parameter sensitivity analysis was performed. The factors examined for the analysis include; wall+ceiling paper, adhesive for wall/ceiling paper, floor material, adhesive for floor material, and ventilation rate. The experimental design system which offers main effects among the design parameters with a few experiments was used to decrease the number of experiments. The simulation for indoor air quality was undertaken using a validated equation. Then, ANOVA(Analysis of Variance) was performed to evaluate the relative importance of each parameter affecting the indoor air quality. The result of the study indicates that the indoor air quality may be influenced most by adhesive for wall/ceiling paper, followed by ventilation rate and adhesive for floor material.
Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters affecting Indoor Air Quality related to HCHO and TVOC Reduction

Bibliographic info:
31st AIVC Conference " Low Energy and Sustainable Ventilation Technologies for Green Buildings", Seoul, Korea, 26-28 October 2010