Luscuere P.G, Van Heugten R.T.B
Bibliographic info:
Belgium, Proceedings of Clima 2000 Conference, held Brussels, August 30th to September 2nd 1997

In this session 14 papers are discussed covering a wide range of topics, applications and aggregation levels. Besides papers using different simulation tools, several field tests, experiments and theoretical approaches are discussed. The majority of the papers present applications in dwellings, but also industrial and agricultural environmental issues like those in greenhouses for the production of crops and livestock buildings (pigs) are discussed. Reading through these papers with all different topics, optimisation strategies, and contributions to building projects at different aggregation levels a common denominator was difficult to find. Reason for which the need was felt to start this paper with a general introduction describing: building projects, the parties involved with their individual objectives and possible optimisation strategies including obstructions for integral approaches, etc. On one hand this part is meant as a contribution to a greater understanding of parties involved to their relative contribution as a part of a greater optimisation process, on the other hand this part is used to discuss the contribution of the papers in this session as a contribution to the development of this field of knowledge.