For thermal comfort and energy conservation reasons, displacement ventilation and radiative cooling systems are increasingly used. Simulation programs are generally not able to correctly simulate such systems because of their one node approach for the air temperature. A procedure for creating DOE-2 inputs to simulate both system types each alone or in combination - without program code change - was developed, based on a more detailed new TRNSYS-Type, and validated against existing experimental data sets. The used approaches in DOE-2 are a two zone model for the displacement ventilation and a 'dummy' zone for the radiative cooling. A sufficiently good agreement shows that this is possible. the new TRNSYS-Type is a one zone model similar to the existing Type 19, but it simulates the temperature gradient in the room with 3 air nodes.
Simulation of Displacement Ventilation and Radiative Cooling.
Bibliographic info:
14th AIVC Conference "Energy Impact of Ventilation and Air Infiltration", Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-23 September 1993