This paper summarizes the approach, method, and some results of an ongoing systematic study in simulation and evaluation of daylight factor distribution in rooms. The study aims to develop the basis for both critical investigation of simplified daylighting design guidelines and flexible fast response computational modules, which would enhance the CAAD systems towards preliminary design supporting lighting performance simulation. Given the format restrictions of most commercially available lighting simulation software packages, the study was based on a specially developed and therefore adaptable simulation program (MB-3C) on the basis of the three component procedure. The input data can include the geometry of the room, position and size of the apertures, relevant photometric material properties, as well as data concerning possible obstructions. The simulation can potentially be based on different sky luminance distributions. As a significant example for common preliminary design requirements, the aperture/floor area ratios were considered. The distribution of daylight factors were generated for a significant number of "virtual" rooms with different attributes (geometry, location and shape of openings, etc.) creating an extended data base for further stat stical assessment. The results were analyzed with regard to their relevance for evaluation of existing and formulation of new daylight related design guidelines (tools, rules, requirements, etc.). Available empirical data concerning the inhabitants' response to the visual environment were taken into consideration in order to study the occupational relevance and consequences of the research findings.
Simulation of natural lighting: from geometrical configuration to occupancy evaluation

Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Nice, France, 1991, p.133-138