Examines the problem of defining a mean wind speed which reflects the general characteristics of the surrounding terrain for the particular case of the area around Sheffield University. This problem has arisen in connection with the data analysis procedures for a full-scale wind force measurement project where a reference wind speed is required for data presentation.< Compares the mean wind structure over the area, taken from wind tunnel models with an analysis of data from three anemometers on site. The results imply that considerable uncertainty is associated with any definition of a supposed 10m. mean wind speed in an area whose terrain is composed of objects of the same order of magnitude. Concludes that a representative mean wind speed forurban/suburban areas can only be defined for heights considerably in excess of 10m..
Some observations on the problem of defining mean wind speeds representative of flow over urban and suburban terrain.

Bibliographic info:
Dept. of Building Science, University of Sheffield BS.52 January 1980 20 p. 22 figs 4 refs. #DATE 01:01:1980 in English #AIC 298