The Energy Performance of Buildings Directivementions that each member states' energyperformance (EP) calculation methodology mayinclude envelope airtightness. In fact, manymember states have included envelopeairtightness in their EP calculation method.Many countries have also specific requirementsfor ductwork airtightness. However, they seemto be unequally successful in achieving a markettransformation. This paper describes themechanisms that have been used in somecountries, with a special focus on success storieswhich could inspire other member states. Themeasures include actions directly related to theEP regulation as well as accompanying privateor public initiatives (e.g., pilot projects,training). The paper is based on the analysis of aquestionnaire submitted to experts in 13countries as well as interviews and a literaturereview. It appears that adequate tuning of the EPregulation and ambitious low-energy buildingsinitiatives are excellent drivers to change theenvelope airtightness market; however, ingeneral, there remains a lack of practical toolsfor designers and craftsmen to build airtightenvelopes although appropriate industrialproducts are available. As for ductwork, carefuldesign coupled with widespread use of prefittedseals appear to be the dominant commonelement of success stories. This work has beenperformed in the framework of workpackage 5of the ASIEPI project funded under theIntelligent Energy Europe programme.
Stimulating better envelope and ductwork airtightness with the EnergyPerformance of Buildings Directive

Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008