Describes a research project undertaken at the Building Research Station to measure wind pressures on the G.P.O. tower, London, and dynamic strains in the tower shaft. The development of a suitable pressure transducer which used strain gauges as sensors is described, together with the installation at the tower. some othe problems of strain gauging large civil engineering structures are outlined. NOTE Final results of this project are given in "Wind pressure and strain measurements at the Post Office Tower" Newberry C.W. Eaton K.J. Mayne J.R. abstract no.229. B.R.E. C.P. 30/73
Strain measurements at the G.P.O. tower, London.

Bibliographic info:
Building Research Station current paper 29/71.< = Strain vol.7 no.3 July 1971 p.103-109 #DATE 01:07:1971 in English