In hot and humid climates, desiccant air-conditioning systems have been suggested as suitable forimproving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Generally as dehumidification devices, various types of silica gelrotor have been used to control humidity. In this study, we evaluated the dehumidification performanceof the Functional Adsorbent Material - Zeolite (FAM-Z) rotor, which is expected to offer superiordehumidification at lower regeneration temperatures.In this experiment, in which hot and humid air was passed through a FAM-Z rotor (desiccant rotor), wemeasured the dry bulb temperature and the relative humidity both before and after passage through theFAM-Z rotor, and then calculated the difference in absolute humidity. We also compareddehumidification performance of a FAM-Z rotor and a silica gel rotor. Some parameters, such as theregeneration temperature and airflow, which may affect the performance of the desiccant rotor, wereanalyzed.As a result, in the case of a regeneration temperature of 50C, the dehumidification performance of theFAM-Z rotor was superior to that of the silica gel rotor, however when the regeneration temperaturewas 60C and above, the silica gel rotor performed better.

Bibliographic info:
The 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings IAQVEC 2007, Oct. 28 - 31 2007, Sendai, Japan