The principal intention of the present study is the analysisof the both physical and social conditions of a rural community near to the City of Guadalajara in Mexico, with the purpose of establishing the environmental necessaryparameters to realize recommendations of energy savings in rural houses.By means of this project the feasibility appears of takingadvantage of the natural resources in a system of self-consumption and the rational exploitation of the natural resources. Beside propitiating the energetic savings,the recycling of tailing and utilization of natural sources of energy.This paper proposes to offer an alternative of energy savings in the rural communities, by means of mechanismsthat assure the energetic efficiency used in the air conditioning, the artificial lighting, as well as the equipmentsconnected in all the processes of the building: From the project, the construction, the habitability and the maintenance of the housing. The design strategies found in local architecture from these areas was studied. The propose of this study is to check those design strategiesfound in vernacular architecture that can be used to modern constructions in order to reduce energy consumptionand establish the necessary recommendations to preserve the local architectural physiognomy.With base to the results that are obtained along the differentstages of the study, it is possible to realize an energetic audit, to propose the recommendations of environmental adequacy of the architectural spaces in search of the energy savings and the optimization of the institutional resources, as well as to improve the conditionsof environmental comfort of the users.
Study of energy savings strategies in rural houses of hot climates in Mexico.

Bibliographic info:
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference " Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century", Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007