In this study, the houses where residents were suspected of having sick house syndromelocated in Miyagi prefecture of Japan, had been investigated during the summer of 2001. Theinvestigation included the measurements of the aldehydes and volatile organic compounds(VOCs) concentration, air tightness level, airflow volume at inlets/outlets and ventilation rate.This paper shows the results of indoor air quality and ventilation rate in eight houses. Allthese houses, which are air tight except one house, use mechanical ventilation system. It isfound that the amount of outdoor air introduced was shortage in many residences and someventilation systems are not operated properly. The formaldehyde concentration in theinvestigated houses exceeded the criterion from the guideline, set as 0.08ppm, of the Ministryof Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan. In some residences, shortage of the amount of airsupplied is one of the factors causing high chemical substance concentration.INDEX TERMESSick house syndrome, Ventilation, Air tightness, Formaldehyde, VOCs
Study of ventilation performance and indoor air quality in eight sick houses

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 3, pp 42-47, 10 Fig., 4 Tab., 2 Ref.