A novel ventilation system has been installed in buildings constructed for the New Campus of the University of Nottingham. Super-efficient mechanical ventilation has been used as part of an integrated environmental strategy and operates with fan input powers below 0.5 W. l-1. s-1 of airflow. The complete plant was assembled from innovative low-pressure components and has exceptional performance. A key element of the design is that components of the system are bypassed when not in use. At the heart of the system is a low-velocity, high efficiency thermal wheel. Evaporative cooling reduces summertime peak temperatures. A tracking wind-assisted exhaust cowl further reduces the dependence on fan power. The low fan power requirement is matched by a 450-m2 photo-voltaic array effectively giving zero energy ventilation.
Super-efficient mechanical ventilation.

Bibliographic info:
Indoor Built Environ, No 9, 2000, pp 87-96