VOCs concentration measurements in six hospitals were conducted, using passive samplers,in order to get outlined information on the IAQ. Most of the toluene, xylene, ethel benzeneand styrene concentrations obtained from 158 points were lower than the detected limit.Concentrations of formaldehyde and toluene measured at each point exceeded the guidelinevalues. Concentration of xylene obtained from two points also exceeded its guideline value.TVOC concentrations by in-depth measurements obtained from 53 points out of 55 werelower than the determination limit, 200g/m.
Survey on the VOCs concentration in hospitals using a passive sampler method

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 1., pp 493-498, 4 Fig., 5 Tab., 2 Ref.