The paper presents a ventilation comfort chart that has been developed under Thailand climate and using Thai volunteers. 183 male and 105 female college-age subjects were exposed to different thermal conditions in order to investigate the effect of air velocity on thermal comfort in ventilated "non-conditioned" spaces. To this end commercial electric fans were used to control the air velocity near the subjects. The air velocity varied between 0.2 and 3 m/s. Room conditions varied between 26°C and 36°C (D.B.T.) and 50-80% relative humidity. Thermal sensation vote was recorded through a questionnaire. The Predicted Mean Vote was used to determine the indoor neutral temperature. This developed chart could be used to design ventilation system for offices and classrooms.
Thailand ventilation comfort chart.
Bibliographic info:
Energy and Buildings, No 32, 2000, pp 245-249