A dynamic computer program was used to analyse the operation and performance of a thermal comfort controller for HVAC systems with forced-air ventilators. The software tool used was GEMS (Generalized Engineering Modeling and Simulation). Simulations indicated that when using a conventional thermostat, any form of mechanical ventilation is likely to increase the moisture content of the air inside a conditioned space in a cooing-dominated hot and humid climate. States that mechanical ventilators in this situation may contribute to indoor air quality problems of high moisture levels. It has been found that occupant behaviour can lead to inefficient operation of cooling by lowering the temperature in order to dehumidify the air. Indicates the need to control both dry-bulb temperature and moisture content of the air and suggest use of the ATHC (Auctioneering Temperature and Humidity Controller. The results of tests validate the superior thermal comfort provided by this controller.
Thermal comfort controller for HVAC systems with mechanical ventilators.

Bibliographic info:
in: USA, Atlanta, ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.), 2001, ISBN 1-883413-96-6, proceedings of a conference held Sheraton Sand Key Resort, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, 2-7 December 2001, CD ROM form