Tri Harso Karyono, Sani Heryanto, Ida Faridah
Bibliographic info:
8th Windsor Conference, 10-13 April, 2014, Windsor UK

Thermal comfort study has been conducted in two Jakarta’s private universities, namely Tarumanagara University (Untar) and Mercu Buana University (UMB). Ninety architecture students involved in this study, collecting 900 thermal votes from various indoor temperature conditions. Comparing to the previous study done in Jakarta in 1993 the result of this study was quite different, subjects were comfortable in much lower temperature. Even when compared with the previous study in Bandung with a lower outdoor temperature, subjects’ comfort temperature in this study was about similar.. Since the study has also collected information about the use of AC by the subjects in their accommodations, this study revealed that nearly 100% subjects of Untar students had been using AC in their accommodations, while for the UMB students less than 50% subjects had been living in AC accommodations. This paper discusses the whole study and draws some conclusions from it.